Wednesday, 3 July 2019

How to crack RRB NTPC 2019: Preparation Tips and Strategy to crack

How to crack RRB NTPC 2019: Preparation Tips and Strategy to crack

RRB NTPC Preparation

RRB NTPC Preparation : The Railway Recruitment Board, RRB in short, conducts the RRB NTPC exam for recruitment in Non-Technical Popular Categories (RRB NTPC) in Indian Railways. This is a highly demanding job that offers great career opportunities as well as personal growth. The RRB has recently announced around 1.3 lakh vacancies for different posts under Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC), Para-Medical Stuff, Ministerial and Isolated Categories, and Level 1 posts. In this post, we shall provide you with tips for RRB NTPC Preparation.

At the last of this article I suggest you some books. This books will help you to crack this exam.

The RRB NTPC exam is highly competitive and needs one to prepare smartly right from the beginning. As lakhs of candidates will appear for RRB NTPC 2019, to ensure you get selected, you must plan your RRB  NTPC preparation in a way that guarantees high accuracy and minimum negative marking at every stage of the exam, which in turn, will ensure a high score and guaranteed selection.

RRB NTPC can be a great opportunity for those candidates who are looking for a government job in Indian Railways with good salary package. This year RRB has announced 35208 vacancies for the recruitment of Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) Posts. NTPC posts are divided into two categories; Graduate Posts:Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice and Station Master; Undergraduate Posts: Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk.

In this article, we have listed down the most important tips and strategy for RRB NTPC 

RRB NTPC Preparation For Prelims & Mains

Candidates planning to appear for this exam must go through the detailed RRB NTPC notification before they start their RRB NTPC preparation. The RRB NTPC 2019 recruitment notification, among other things, will give you information about the various posts that come under RRB NTPC.
Some of the posts that come under RRB NTPC are Commercial Apprentice, Line Man, Senior Time Keeper, Assistant Station Master, Loco Pilot, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Goods Guard, etc.
The RRB NTPC exam pattern varies from post to post. Aspirants must have a clear idea about the exam pattern because their RRB NTPC preparation will depend on that.
The various stages of Railways NTPC exam are as under:
  1. RRB NTPC Prelims (Computer Based Test)
  2. RRB NTPC Mains (Computer Based Test)
  3. Typing Test (for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Clerk cum Typist, and Senior Time Keeper)
  4. RRB NTPC Aptitude Test (for the post of Traffic Assistant and Assistant Station Master)
  5. Document Verification
  6. Medical Fitness Test
  7. Final Selection

Prelims and Mains is the same for all posts. Both Prelims and Mains have the same four sections as under. The number of questions and marking scheme are different for Prelims and Mains.
  1. General Science
  2. General Awareness
  3. Reasoning
  4. Arithmetic
Let us now see how to prepare for each of these sections.

RRB NTPC Preparation For General Science

The General Science section contains questions from basic science – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. In order to prepare for this section, brush up the Science textbooks of high school level (Class 9 and 10). You can refer to the NCERT textbooks of the respective subjects for this purpose. Make sure you have a clear understanding of all the concepts and topics. Having a good level of conceptual knowledge of the subjects itself will fetch you good marks. Also, the various formulas, reactions, equations, reactions, and other details should be at your fingertips. Practice questions for every chapter to see how well you have understood and memorized the concepts in that chapter.

RRB NTPC Preparation For General Awareness

Questions in this section are related to the current affairs of national and international importance. Your General Knowledge too is tested here. This section needs one to go through NCERT History, Geography, Civics, and Political Science books. Having knowledge of Indian Laws and Constitution, History (especially, modern and medieval history of India), Polity, Parliament, Economy, Budget (especially Railway Budget), etc. can fetch you a good score in this section.
Apart from these, read newspapers and magazines of current affairs on a daily basis. Focus more on pages related to Business, Economy, Polity, Science and Technology, and Sports.
As this section needs one to remember a lot of information, daily study and revision is a must. Allocate at least an hour daily for this purpose.
Refer to one of the latest Yearbooks from any reputed publication as well. Information about Books and Authors, Countries Capitals and Currencies, Awards, Honours and Recognition, etc. should be at your fingertips.

RRB NTPC Preparation For Reasoning

If you have never prepared for any competitive exam, this section might be new for you. But with proper knowledge of the theories and sufficient practice, you will be able to master each and every topic in this section.
Start off with easy topics like Classification, Number and Alphabet Series, Analogy, Distance and Directions, Blood Relations, etc. These topics need common sense and can be easily mastered. However, the more you practice the faster you will be able to solve questions from them.
Once you feel confident about these topics, move on to more difficult topics, like Syllogism, Statements & Conclusions, Statements & Assumptions, Puzzles, Seating Arrangements, etc. which need one to understand the underlying theory first and then a lot of practice.
Try to understand the steps involved in solving a particular kind of problems instead of trying to learn shortcuts directly. With practice, your problem-solving abilities will improve and you will discover various shortcuts yourself. This will help you in better retention.
Also, cultivate the habit of making diagrams as you practice.

RRB NTPC Preparation For Arithmetic

This section again contains questions of high school-level Mathematics. Most of the topics included here need the application of formulas to solve. However, the calculations might be tricky at times. What you need to master this section is sufficient practice. Also, the theory behind each of the concepts should be understood. Otherwise, you might get confused at times and not be able to identify the concepts tested in a particular question.
Start off with easy chapters like Percentage, Ratios & Proportion, Average, Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, etc. which are absolutely formula-based. Make sure all the formulas are at your fingertips.
Slowly, move on to difficult topics like Problems on Ages, Boats & Cisterns, Mixtures & Alligations, Time, Distance & Speed, Time & Work, etc. which, along with the application of formulas, need a logical and analytical approach to solve.
Remember that this section is all about practice. Just memorizing the formulas won’t be enough. Here too, you shouldn’t try to learn the tricks or shortcuts directly.

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General Tips For RRB NTPC Preparation

Some general tips for RRB NTPC preparation are tabulated below:
  1. Understand the theory behind every single concept.
  2. Practice enough number of questions for every topic.
  3. Develop reading habits.
  4. Keep formulas, steps to solve problems, etc. at your fingertips. Practice and revise them regularly.
  5. Solve questions in a time-bound manner. Time management is very important.
  6. As you prepare, work on to maintain a balance between speed and accuracy.
  7. Revise regularly, not just the topics you feel you are weak at but also the ones which you are absolutely confident about.
  8. Take RRB NTPC mock test or any other mock test (for any government job) as the syllabus is more or less same.
  9. Analyze your performance in the test and identify your weaknesses and mistakes. Work on them.


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